It is recommended for the control of Shoot corer, Fruit borer on Brinjal, Paddy etc.

Some features include:


Composition :

Active Ingredient

Cypermethrin a.i(100% a.i.) 00.25% w/w

Tatc 89.95% w/w

Precipitated Silica Q.S. w/w

Caution for Use :

Shakaal may cause injury of scorching to plants in hot sun, so spraying should be done in morning or evening .Avoid spray getting into eyes or nose, Wear protective clothing rubber gloves, face shield and dust mask.

Do not eat,drink or smoke while spray .Wash hands and body parts exposed to during with soap and water.

Keep away from children , animal feed, food stuff, Store in cool and dry place. Destory empty containers .Do not use empty containers for storage of food,grains and animal feed.


100 gm. Pack

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